Vision of John G. Lake

Divine Healing Institute

Fundamentally, we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is God-the-Healer!

To magnify and popularize Divine Healing is to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the supernatural Gospel, the true Gospel of God`s Power and signs, wonders, and miracles. Even though so many books are written on the subject of Divine Healing, and so many materials are available, many Christians are still sick and even dying prematurely. We believe that, at least partially, it’s related to the fact that many of these resources on Divine Healing lack true depth or that they are way too complicated and too academic for a simple person. With God`s help and with the participation of our partners, we are hoping in the near future to offer free of charge many of the best classical books and other materials on Divine Healing and also modern courses, workshops, and recent interviews with fresh, powerful testimonies from prominent ministers and practitioners of Divine Healing.

We also have a heart for medical practitioners (medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, chiropractors, naturopaths, etc.), all who carry deep inside of them the heart of a healer and have a true compassion and burning desire to help their patients. Our strong desire is, first of all, to introduce them to the Greatest Physician and the Healer of All who is always willing to come to any medical practice by His Holy Spirit to help, to strengthen, to guide, and advise the best methods of diagnostics and treatment. Lord Jesus, the God-the-Healer, is not an ancient myth and legend, but He is really alive and very well today as He was 2000 years ago and even at the beginning of Creation. We are working on the creation of a short, deep, and practically effective program that will allow medical practitioners to incorporate new knowledge and skills of Divine Healing in their clinical practices in hospitals, medical centers, clinics and more. God bless you as you seek to manifest the Lord who is the healer of all in every sphere of influence to which you are called!

God has a great cloud of witnesses!

God’s Generals

God has always had his servants in the earth who inspire us and call us to a higher level of faith. Read below and be encouraged by the lives of some of God’s generals of faith and believe that what they did, you can do as well!

Kathryn Kulman

AA Allen

John G Lake